
Military Performance Training

Are You Ready To Lose Your First, Next, Or Last 20 Pounds...?

MPT90 Is 90 Days Of Military Performance Training For Men Who Want To
Look Better Right Now!

Download The Free 7 Day Military Accelerator Workout
bodyweight MPT90 MPT90

How does the military take overweight individuals and transform them quickly into a fit fighting force?

Download The MPT90 Case Study

How it Works

  1. Apply For The Program

    This isn't for everyone! This is for motivated men in your early to late 30's or 40's and looking to get into the best shape of your life.

  2. Begin Your Training (No Gym Required)

    You'll be added to the program, receive your workout regimen, and your initial meal plans. Your sandbag gear will be sent to you, but you'll start off with bodyweight training only. Let's move, recruit!

  3. Macro's Ready To Eat (MRE's)

    After the first week, we'll meet to discuss your goals, and I'll prescribe the amount of protein, fats, and carbs that you need to consume daily to reach those goals. You'll also receive a weekly MRE (Macros Ready to Eat) meal plan to achieve those goals.

  4. Crush Your Target Goals

    We'll track your progress within my comprehensive online app that logs your weight, macronutrients, measurements, workouts, and more. Your exercise regimen will work with your nutrition plan to maximize your results. If you opted for the bonuses, you'll receive not only your sandbag gear, but your supplement stack, additional workout equipment, food scale, and bodyweight scale.

  5. No Man Left Behind Accountability

    We're in this together. Stay accountable with me via mandatory weekly one-on-one check-ins. I won't let you go dark or fail on me. And you'll have a 'coach in your pocket' at all times via the app.


What to Expect

This is a 90-day military fitness program, but it is not a program for everyone – it requires commitment, dedication, and a little grit. And for those few men who give it there all and trust me and the system, you will look better, feel better, and perform better with a proven military formula to get you there.


Let your Body Transformation begin!

Sign-up today and experience the benefits of one-on-one nutrition and exercise coaching. Are you ready to stop trying different methods that don't work and start progressing? It’s an investment worth making in your health – one with tangible and sustainable results!

Military Performance Training
One-Time Payment
90-Day 1-on-1 Personalized Nutrition & Fitness Coaching
MPT90 Fitness And Macro Nutrition Coaching
MPT90 Workout Regimen: 90-Day LIVE Challenge Coaching ($997 Value)
MPT90 Macros Ready to Eat (MRE's) 90-Day Weekly Personal Meal Plans ($1500 Value)
"No Man Left Behind" Weekly Accountability Coaching Calls ($1997 Value)
MPT90 MIL-SPEC Supplement Stack ($197 Value)
Military Training & Exercise Gear ($297 Value)
Coach "In Your Pocket" 24/7 App Access

Start Your Body Transformation Now with Military Performance Training.

Join Now